Even as a child I never liked the term BFF, Best Friend Forever. I didn't like the term LYLAS either - Love Ya Like A Sister. Something about the terms seemed untrue to me. How can you know at age eight that you'll really be friends when you're 50? Love you like a sister??? My sisters fought so much and would even draw blood with claw marks on each others' arms - so why would that be a good thing? See, even as a youngster I tended to think a bit much about things. That can be good in some ways, but paralyzing in other ways. But this past week I heard a new definition for BFF that I could truly embrace. Biblical Friends Forever. To me, that rings true. When Christ and the truth of the Bible is the center of a relationship, then time doesn't matter. You can always catch up with someone you haven't seen for years and know there's a core foundation that never moves and bolsters your friendship. I learned this term from my dear friend, Sally. Her and her hu...